
Seller Details not provided

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I testet the order process about hundred times and I can not find out why sometimes the seller details are not provided in Amazon Seller Central - Payment Details.

What could be the reason why sometimes the seller details are empty (not provided)? I am using the same code without changes.

Is this a browser cache problem? If so how to solve it?

I also found out that after the buyer loggs in and the shipping addresses and the payments methods are shown (for selection) after 3 seconds the payments methods are loaded again (you can see flash it).
Is this reloading the reason why sometimes the seller details are not provided in seller central?

I have 4 different test accounts for testing payments. I login with first acount and test the payment, then login with next account and test payment. Is this a probem?

This also happens in the demo example SampleCartDemo - OneTimePayments. Using the example code seller details are not provided every time.

What else could be a reason why seller details are not provided (the sourcecode is always the same):
The session variables? The access token? What else? How to solve it?
Thank you.

Can you provide a snippet of code that you're using to call SetOrderReferenceDetails?

I used the code from
and I solved the problem by myself as you mentioned here:

Asynchronous call ... that's the problem in the example code.

Closing this as it was related to an issue with an old version of the PHP samples that was missing the onAmazonPaymentsReady callback. The samples posted as of August 2017 do not have this issue.