
client class not found,,

bhautikdream4u opened this issue · 1 comments

Please help me to fix this error in joomla..

i include class.php file and call that class but it giving me error about class not found.

if(!defined('DS')) define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); require_once (JPATH_ROOT.DS.'components'.DS.'com_eshop'.DS.'plugins'.DS.'payment'.DS.'AmazonPay'.DS.'Client.php');
	$config = array(
		'merchant_id' => 'YOUR_MERCHANT_ID',
		'access_key'  => 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY',
		'secret_key'  => 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY',
		'client_id'   => 'YOUR_LOGIN_WITH_AMAZON_CLIENT_ID',
		'region'      => 'REGION',
		'sandbox'     => true);
	$client = new Client($config);
	// Also you can set the sandbox variable in the config() array of the Client class by

The Client itself is contained in the namespace "AmazonPay".
So your instantiation of the Client should be

$client = new \AmazonPay\Client($config);

or you could use following notation after your PHP opening tag to be able to use "Client" only


//if used
namespace XXX;

use AmazonPay\Client;

$client = new Client($config);