
Gentoo stuck on "Disable telemetry", can't launch an anime game or honkers railway

Renkin42 opened this issue · 3 comments

Apologies if this is a known thing and I missed it. I installed An Anime Game Launcher and The Honkers Railway Launcher via the Gentoo ebuilds. After downloading the games I am now stuck at a button that says "disable telemetry" and seemingly can't proceed further. Launching from a terminal shows this:

 2024-06-07T03:35:19.429989Z  WARN anime_launcher_sdk::games::genshin::sessions: Session file doesn't exist. Returning default value
    at /var/tmp/portage/games-misc/an-anime-game-launcher-3.9.6/work/anime-launcher-sdk-56a0d3b0b6ccb1fc5b359f8ff1f281225e122218/src/games/genshin/

  2024-06-07T03:35:19.430009Z  WARN anime_launcher_sdk::games::genshin::sessions: Session file doesn't exist. Returning default value
    at /var/tmp/portage/games-misc/an-anime-game-launcher-3.9.6/work/anime-launcher-sdk-56a0d3b0b6ccb1fc5b359f8ff1f281225e122218/src/games/genshin/
  2024-06-07T03:35:20.148796Z  WARN anime_game_core::games::genshin::telemetry: Server is not disabled:
    at /var/tmp/portage/games-misc/an-anime-game-launcher-3.9.6/work/anime-game-core-8f3c1aecc8d61ae07f00d8af9d56c91f75b54bfb/src/games/genshin/

followed by this when I click the button:

==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.policykit.exec ====
Authentication is needed to run `/usr/bin/bash -c echo '' >> /etc/hosts ... >> /etc/hosts ; echo '' >> /etc/hosts' as the super user
Authenticating as: root
polkit-agent-helper-1: error response to PolicyKit daemon: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: No session for cookie
Error executing command as another user: Not authorized

This incident has been reported.
  2024-06-07T03:36:26.998380Z ERROR anime_game_launcher::ui::main::disable_telemetry: Failed to update /etc/hosts file
    at src/ui/main/

  2024-06-07T03:36:27.031556Z  WARN anime_game_core::games::genshin::telemetry: Server is not 
    at /var/tmp/portage/games-misc/an-anime-game-launcher-3.9.6/work/anime-game-core-8f3c1aecc8d61ae07f00d8af9d56c91f75b54bfb/src/games/genshin/

apparently there's no session file, but I'm not sure what to do about that. I'm running under a dbus session so it shouldn't be that? I does appear to be looking for a file in the portage build directory which of course no longer exists, so I imagine that's probably part of the issue? It also seems to be trying to echo an empty string to the hosts file presumably something in the missing file.

I'm running gentoo with the 23.0 desktop openrc profile with hyprland. Let me know if you need anything else.

I'm having the same issue, EndeavourOS on openbox.

Alright I figured it out.

I had to install the mate-polkit package (though any polkit should work) then autostart it when I log into my WM. In mate's case you need to run the full path, /usr/lib/mate-polkit/polkit-mate-authentication-agent-1

I don't know much about Gentoo so I don't know if it would work any different there but yeah I think that's the solution.

(Unrelated question, isn't hyprland just a compositor? How can you run it as a standalone?)

Thank you, that seems to have fixed it. I'm using the gnome polkit agent and it works perfectly. I just added exec-once = /usr/libexec/polkit-gnome-autentication-agent-1 to my hyprland.conf

As for the Hyprland question "compositor" doesn't mean the same thing on Wayland as it does on X11. Generally all window managers are considered "compositors". There's no Wayland server or equivalent to picom, everything is integrated into one package.