
(CN server) --run-game option not working

Linus-XZX opened this issue · 0 comments

SteamOS 3.5.13, launcher version 1.6.0 (Flatpak from Discover), CN server

It seems that the --run-game and --just-run-game options do not function in this launcher, unlike the other two launchers for the same company. Adding them results in the program hanging up and not starting the game. Verbose output for the former is attached below.

(deck@Linus-SteamDeck ~)$ LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 flatpak -v run moe.launcher.honkers-launcher --run-game
F: No installations directory in /etc/flatpak/installations.d. Skipping
F: Opening system flatpak installation at path /var/lib/flatpak
F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/deck/.local/share/flatpak
F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/deck/.local/share/flatpak
F: Skipping parental controls check for app/moe.launcher.honkers-launcher/x86_64/master since parental controls are disabled globally
F: Opening user flatpak installation at path /home/deck/.local/share/flatpak
F: /home/deck/.local/share/flatpak/runtime/org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/45/e6f142e232584a0575c084d3d619fc5a81b73f39b84d939672f2fd91fb284f63/files/lib32 does not exist
F: Cleaning up unused container id 2784540726
F: Cleaning up per-app-ID state for moe.launcher.honkers-launcher
F: Allocated instance id 1110382606
F: Add defaults in dir /moe/launcher/honkers-launcher/
F: Add locks in dir /moe/launcher/honkers-launcher/
F: Not sharing "/media" with sandbox: Unable to open path "/media": No such file or directory
F: Allowing wayland access
F: Allowing x11 access
F: Allowing pulseaudio access
F: Pulseaudio user configuration file '/home/deck/.config/pulse/client.conf': Error opening file /home/deck/.config/pulse/client.conf: No such file or directory
F: Running 'bwrap --args 41 xdg-dbus-proxy --args=43'
F: Running 'bwrap --args 41 moe.launcher.honkers-launcher --run-game'
Unknown option --run-game

The options are referenced in src/ here, but I do not know the language well enough to track the operations from here.

for i in 0..args.len() {
        if args[i] == "--debug" {
            force_debug = true;
        } else if args[i] == "--run-game" {
            run_game = true;
        } else if args[i] == "--just-run-game" {
            just_run_game = true;
        } else if args[i] == "--no-verbose-tracing" {
            no_verbose_tracing = true;
        } else if args[i] == "--session" {
            // Switch active session prior running the app
            if let Some(session) = args.get(i + 1) {

It does not affect anything if I start the game normally through the launcher, but I would greatly appreciate it if this issue can be addressed. Thanks in advance.