
History Weather API

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Update to get historic data

On branch hack-the-planet


The /weather endpoint will receive:

  • location: a string the user has search for, which will be passed to the Visual Crossings Weather API

It will call the weather API to get the "historical" weather of:

  • the current date
  • 10, 20, 30, 40 years ago
  • and the same day but in 1973 (which seems to be the lowest year available)

The endpoint to call to get that data is:{{WEATHER_API_KEY}}&include=obs

Additionally, there's a query builder provided by the API docs: (login required)


After getting all the data, the endpoint will return a response such as (or whatever's easier).

In the FE will we use the datetime, the resolvedAddress and the tempmax and tempmin* values.

  • might be better to just use temp
    "latitude": 41.388,
    "longitude": 2.17001,
    "resolvedAddress": "Barcelona, Catalunya, Espanya",
    "address": "barcelona",
    "timezone": "Europe/Madrid",
    "days": [
            "datetime": "2021-02-21",
            "datetimeEpoch": 1613862000,
            "tempmax": 19.2,
            "tempmin": 8,
            "temp": 12,
            "feelslikemax": 19.2,
            "feelslikemin": 6.8,
            "feelslike": 11.5,
            "dew": 9.4,
            "humidity": 84.23,
            "precip": 0,
            "precipprob": null,
            "precipcover": 0,
            "preciptype": null,
            "snow": 0,
            "snowdepth": 0,
            "windgust": 57.6,
            "windspeed": 29.2,
            "winddir": 101.3,
            "pressure": 1016.5,
            "cloudcover": 70.6,
            "visibility": 9.9,
            "solarradiation": 123.5,
            "solarenergy": 1.8,
            "sunrise": "07:37:47",
            "sunriseEpoch": 1613889467,
            "sunset": "18:32:39",
            "sunsetEpoch": 1613928759,
            "moonphase": 0.33,
            "conditions": "Partially cloudy",
            "icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
            "stations": [
            "source": "obs",
            "hours": null
            "datetime": "2011-02-21",
            "datetimeEpoch": 1613862000,
            "tempmax": 19.2,
            "tempmin": 8,
            "temp": 12,
            "feelslikemax": 19.2,
            "feelslikemin": 6.8,
            "feelslike": 11.5,
            "dew": 9.4,
            "humidity": 84.23,
            "precip": 0,
            "precipprob": null,
            "precipcover": 0,
            "preciptype": null,
            "snow": 0,
            "snowdepth": 0,
            "windgust": 57.6,
            "windspeed": 29.2,
            "winddir": 101.3,
            "pressure": 1016.5,
            "cloudcover": 70.6,
            "visibility": 9.9,
            "solarradiation": 123.5,
            "solarenergy": 1.8,
            "sunrise": "07:37:47",
            "sunriseEpoch": 1613889467,
            "sunset": "18:32:39",
            "sunsetEpoch": 1613928759,
            "moonphase": 0.33,
            "conditions": "Partially cloudy",
            "icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
            "stations": [
            "source": "obs",
            "hours": null
        // ...etc
