
No longer working on Chrome (gives "Open in Microsoft Edge" window)

Closed this issue · 36 comments

As of just now, when I visit in Chrome the chat view no longer appears, just the web result view. Same URL is working fine in Edge.

If I search for "foo" then click the "Chat" button, I get the pop-up instructing me to "Open in Microsoft Edge". I'm definitely logged into my Microsoft account correctly, I even tried logging out and back in.

Probably a change to their front-end code on Bing site.

Can you confirm the error happens even if you

  • log out from Bing
  • clear cache
  • clear cookie
  • log back into Bing

me too. clearing the cache and logging back in doesn't work.

I will investigate soon. I am using Chromium but can still use it.

Same, clearing cache doesn't change things.

I have also encountered the same problem, and it seems that plugins with similar functions are all not working.

Same, and when I clearing the cookie and log in to my account again, I foud my account was lockedIt seems New Bing further blockade of Chinese users, and cannot be unlocked using the+86 phone number.

The reason given for the ban is: We have detected certain activities that violate our Microsoft service agreement and have locked your account.

Same, clearing the cache doesn’t change anything. And I can confirm that it’s not a problem with my account because it works in Edge.

Strangely it works on firefox but not on google chrome, and clearing cache&cookie doesn't work either.


yoyo me too i need to do important questions so this shieet not letting me do it :( im at school chromebook pls help, downloading edge is an option but its not very pratical since the school will know it

The same phenomenon occurred 9 hours ago, and then returned after entering the address again. But just now a window popped up asking me to use Edge. It seems that Microsoft is distributing it sequentially.

reagle commented

Unfortunately, MS is probably being more sophisticated in their browser detection.

Happening to me as well.

chrome , mac m1 , does not work today

On the chrome web store reviews for the extension, Spencer Powell gives a solution to the problem, by using chrome dev tools to change the browser to Edge.

The link is here

As @cappydino said changing the UA fix the problem

Same for me

This is problematic 😭 I cannot replicate the problem. Can anyone help me out?

This is problematic sob I cannot replicate the problem. Can anyone help me out?

I am having this issue as well, and can try to help you out. Let me know how, or if you want to reach out to me directly.

Everyone, does this version works for you on Chrome (it can be installed on Chrome, although it says firefox)

Everyone, does this version works for you on Chrome (it can be installed on Chrome, although it says firefox)

I tested it and the problem still persists, let me know if you need any information from me? Thanks in advance.

This is problematic 😭 I cannot replicate the problem. Can anyone help me out?

Windows chrome 版本 112.0.5615.138(正式版本) (64 位)

Sharing the status quo:

  • A lot of people can still use Bing with this extension. This includes my friends and me; we could not replicate the problem.
  • However, the number of people reporting issues about being blocked spiked.
  • This is possibly Bing slowly rolling out a new type of browser detection. We are still determining what this is at the moment.
  • While some reported that CR/FF version did not work and changing the user agent manually worked, others said changing the user agent did not. For these few users, the methods provided did not work, except for using the native Edge.

I would greatly appreciate any help. i.e., do you have any suggestions?

If I set user agent in chrome devtools without header editor or plugin. I can use new bing in chrome, but it need to keep devtools open.

If I set user agent in chrome devtools without header editor or plugin. I can use new bing in chrome, but it need to keep devtools open. image

Just open devtools when you refresh the page. When entering the new bing chat page, you can close devtools

Changing the browser identification in developer tools and refreshing the page works for me.

If I set user agent in chrome devtools without header editor or plugin. I can use new bing in chrome, but it need to keep devtools open. image

Just open devtools when you refresh the page. When entering the new bing chat page, you can close devtools

Changing the browser identification in developer tools and refreshing the page works for me.

sure! I’m there.

I think I fixed it! Can everyone check this build?

ok!! i'm windows10 chrome I‘m good! Thank you, developer

Is this bug related to the region?

I think I fixed it! Can everyone check this build?

ok!! i'm windows10 chrome I‘m good! Thank you, developer

Is this bug related to the region? I’m in China

I think I fixed it! Can everyone check this build?


It Works!
Chrome 112.0.5615.121, Ubuntu 22.10

I think I fixed it! Can everyone check this build?

ok!! i'm windows10 chrome I‘m good! Thank you, developer

Yes it works on Chrome (Windows 11) !

I think I fixed it! Can everyone check this build?

it works on Chrome Version 110.0.5481.177 (x86_64) in macos. Thanks

Submitted on the store for review. Will be live in couple hours!

Honestly it's hilarious what happened 😭

Turns out, Bing added a proprietary header that's only used in It's called UserAgentReductionOptOut. After faking that as well, the problem went away.

More info:

Bing Chat Widespread Unavailability Incident (April 2023) @ Sunghyun Cho

Really @microsoft ?