
[Discuss] Depend on jupyter-client provisioners

echarles opened this issue · 2 comments

There has been a few discussion on this issue jupyter-server/jupyter_server#112 (comment) with @chbrandt @nreith and @kevin-bates to identify ways to use the jupyter-client provisioning sytem to offer conda envs to the notebook users.

This issue aims to continue that discussion.

As per discussion in the other issue (referred above), I noticed nb_conda_kernels is using the "providers" endpoint of jupyter-client:

nb_conda_kernels has entrypoint at jupyter_client.kernel_providers, whereas jupyter_client expects an entry at jupyter_client.kernel_provisioners. There is no reference to "kernel_providers" in the docs anymore ( In nb_conda_kernels's module says "Initial support for the kernel provider mechanism to be introduced in jupyter_client 6.0".

#255 removes the unused discovery module. It was added in anticipation of a discovery mechanism that was planned for 60 but pulled before release.