Building Scopy on MacOS
Jobsbu opened this issue · 2 comments
I try to build Scopy on MacOS Monterey but I have some errors. It seems libsigrokdecode was not found. (Error No package 'libsigrokdecode' found).
Do you have any idea what could go wrong? I installed libsigrokdecode using homebrew.
Thanks in advance.
Can you try to append the path to libsigrokdecode to an environment variable that can be found by CMake?
You can try something similar to the following (run this in the terminal before trying to build scopy)
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/libsigrokdecode/0.5.3/lib/pkgconfig/:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
That's the location where libsigrokdecode gets installed by Homebrew (you might have a different version there) and it's not added to a known path for CMake to find.
When building the libsigrokdecode project from source, you will get it installed in /usr/local/lib probably - which is a location where CMake will actually look for these dependencies.
Can you let me know if this works for you?
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