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Hi. The hexdocs for the project show a module Memcache.Cluster and Memcache.Cluster.Hash, but I can't find them in the source code.

Does this client support memcached clusters with the same consistent hashing algorithm as the Ruby clients (Dalli, Memcache)?

Thanks for the info!

No, It doesn't support cluster. I experimented with cluster, but abandoned it later because seems to solve the problem nicely across different clients written in different language. I have fixed the docs.

Ha, this is kind of funny... I implemented cluster support a few months ago and completely forgot about it. I'm going to clean up the code, flesh out the supervision trees, document it, then publish it. It's a separate application, but it uses memcachex under the hood.

twemproxy looks cool, but we hit IO limits before cpu limits in our memcached cluster, so doing the clustering in the client is beneficial for us. Hmm, I guess one could have multiple twemproxy machines though.