
ERROR - You have not made any transactions.

avinashkanaujiya opened this issue · 10 comments

edited-Pasted image

This is what I am seeing even though transaction s are there.

When I click on any link while staying on home(on other screens it works), nothing happens, but if i go to that link, again by copy pasting it, in address bar, it works.

Some calculations are breaking in home page.

Also recurring page is not showing any transactions, like nothing ever was added.

I would need some more info, could you open inspector (right click and select inspect) and check if there are any errors there? Please include the paisa version as well.

This is the error on homepage.

transaction_sequence.95c51b11.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'scheduled')
    at w (transaction_sequence.95c51b11.js:1:1650)
    at transaction_sequence.95c51b11.js:1:2814
    at an (utils.f4790ebb.js:8:7232)
    at Function.Gr [as map] (utils.f4790ebb.js:10:10109)
    at C (transaction_sequence.95c51b11.js:1:2805)
    at 2.6d537083.js:31:15938

This is the error on recurring page.

transaction_sequence.95c51b11.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'scheduled')
    at w (transaction_sequence.95c51b11.js:1:1650)
    at transaction_sequence.95c51b11.js:1:2814
    at an (utils.f4790ebb.js:8:7232)
    at Function.Gr [as map] (utils.f4790ebb.js:10:10109)
    at C (transaction_sequence.95c51b11.js:1:2805)
    at 12.87e8fc18.js:5:3352

12.87e8fc18.js:5 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '2023-12')
    at 12.87e8fc18.js:5:3563
    at an (utils.f4790ebb.js:8:7232)
    at Gr (utils.f4790ebb.js:10:10109)
    at Function._g [as flatMap] (utils.f4790ebb.js:10:9478)
    at utils.f4790ebb.js:8:25710
    at Li (utils.f4790ebb.js:8:7417)
    at yo (utils.f4790ebb.js:8:25677)
    at (utils.f4790ebb.js:10:9203)
    at Po.n.$$.update (12.87e8fc18.js:5:3617)
    at ct (scheduler.8e30511f.js:1:8538)

Looks like something is wrong with the way recurring transactions are handled. I haven't figured out what's gone wrong so far. You could speed out the process by sharing a bit more info. Could you comment out the automatic transactions one by one and check which one is breaking the app? I would need the dates of those transactions along with the automatic transaction rule

sure, I will try that out.

how do I comment them?, or you meant removing them?

something like below, just put a ; before the =

; = Expenses:Rent
    ; Recurring: Rent

ok, so it only happens when there are multiple transactions on same date, belonging to same account

something like below, just put a ; before the =

; = Expenses:Rent
    ; Recurring: Rent

also this doesn't work, editor throws a error

; = Expenses:Rent
;    ; Recurring: Rent

This works

Thanks for the info, I can reproduce the issue now. To confirm, do you have transactions on only one date? The issue occurs for me if I put all the transactions on the same date and no other transactions for that tag name.

I have 6 transactions, of which 3 happened on separate months/date, remaining happened on same date, yesterday.