
Icon not visible on dark background

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Current icon on a dark/black background

Icon can have a white background like this

icon.ico is the current windows icon. I have changed the icon of the paisa app by taking the SVG from the docs website to show how a white background might look like.

If the white background icon looks okay, I can polish it a bit and submit a PR with that as the icon

Thanks for reporting, I will check if I can come up with a different color instead of black and white.

Just added a white background attribute


<svg xmlns="" width="256" height="256" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
    <rect fill="white" width="100%" height="100%"/>
    <path fill="black" d="M19 12c0-4.969-1.546-10-4.5-10S10 7.031 10 12c0 4.97 1.546 10 4.5 10S19 16.97 19 12zM9.062 7h-3a21.005 21.005 0 0 0-.541 4h3a21.166 21.166 0 0 1 .541-4zm-.54 6h-3a20.994 20.994 0 0 0 .541 4h3a20.994 20.994 0 0 1-.541-4zm1.181 6h-3c.755 1.801 1.857 3 3.297 3h3c-1.44 0-2.542-1.199-3.297-3zm-3-14h3c.755-1.8 1.858-3 3.297-3h-3C8.561 2 7.458 3.2 6.703 5z"/>

@vishalnandagopal could you try the latest version, I have updated the logo.


Hey, sorry for the late reply. Looks great now. thanks for the quick fix!