
Assets->Balance page hangs

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Describe your Environment
OS: Mac Ventura (silicon or intel)
Paisa Version: 0.6.6
App Variant: Desktop

Describe the bug
When I click on Assets->Balance, the app hangs. No loader loading. It seems like it is stuck processing something, and makes the app unresponsive. The only way is to close the app and restart. But even after restart, Balance page doesn't load up, while other pages load fine.

To Reproduce
Not sure whether this can be reproduced on other system consistently.

Expected behavior
Balance page should show up.

I clicked on Balance, and the app froze.


If applicable, provide a minimal journal to help explain your problem.

Logs of the event:

2024-04-09 13:49:25
GET 200 83ms /api/assets/balance
2024-04-09 13:46:17
GET 200 2993ms /api/dashboard
2024-04-09 13:46:14
GET 200 4ms /api/config
2024-04-09 13:46:14
GET 200 1ms /
2024-04-09 13:46:14
Using config file: /Users/nitinchoudhary/Documents/paisa/paisa.yaml
2024-04-09 13:46:14
Set LANG to en_US.UTF-8

Actually, after wiating for around 3 minutes, got this error. Since the app is unresponsive, cannot get the main error.

Verified that it is working fine in version 0.6.5

Verified that it is working fine in version 0.6.5

So it works on 0.6.5, but fails on 0.6.6? Not much has changed between the two. Do you see any issues on the gains page?. Not sure if this is somehow related to XIRR.

If you want to debug further, you can use the paisa-cli (web-gui) version with export PAISA_DEBUG=true. This will start to log lot more info to the console.

No issue on other pages like Gain, Allocation etc. Only Balance page hangs. One difference that I see in this version is , custom sorting based on column and grouping of assets and ability to expand into each asset type. Maybe there is a bug in this workflow?

Edit: I tried it with paisa-cli and it is loading just fine.

Possible, I introduced a new js library (to support sorting by column etc) and rearranged some code on client side, which might have introduced a bug?

Edit: I tried it with paisa-cli and it is loading just fine.

That's strange.

But not much info for me to start debugging. I personally use paisa-cli and chrome, haven't faced any issue on balance page.

I am also able to observe the same issue on MacOS 14.4.1. Downgraded to 0.6.5 to get around this.