This is simple weather app

What it does do it takes the user input ,and gets the data and stores the city in database ,finally showing the weather of the desired city.

How to build

clone the weather app.

Getting Started

  • First install the python,if you not have already done so.
$ apt-get update

$ apt-get install python3.7
  • Now install the virtual environment .This is great because allows you to work on a specific project without affecting other projects. So for that you have to install the pip (package manager) ,then install the virtual env .
    $ sudo apt-get install python-pip
  • Now to install the virtualenv
$ pip install virtualenv
  • Create a virtualenv
$ virtualenv first_project

If you want a specific python type.

$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.7 first_project
  • Now to activate the virtualenv:
$ .first_project/bin/activate
  • Install Django
$ pip install django
  • Start the project
$ django-admin starproject weather_app
  • Sign up to the Open Weather app and you will get an secret key ie: your API key

Insert API key

  • Insert the API key to the variable api_key

  • Now you can host the weather app