
Thanks for uploading this

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, thanks for uploading this. I started using GNUitar more than 20 years ago, and simply loved it. I had a compiled version of GNUitar with jack support, but it was 32 bit, and ever since the 64 bit era started I tried finding GNUitar source with jack support but couldn't (until now). Even the sourceforge version of the source doesn't have it. So many thanks.

Where did you find this code? Any information on the original author (fonin aka Max Rudensky)? I love this program and would love to talk and thank him. I've even tried to port a couple of effects (particularly the Tube Amplifier i.e distort2.c) to LV2 here


I'm one of former developers, however most of my improvements are in UI and in audio-out plugins (e.g. I added jack support), I didn't really contribute anything to DSP processing.

This code is an import of gnuitar CVS repository. I just mapped CVS usernames to names/emails that I have.

You may try to contact Max over email, but I'm not sure if his email is still active. Last time I emailed him back in 2007, so it's already been 17 years.