This module assumes following resources are already available:
- Public Subnet
- Private Subnet
- Route table, Route, Route Table Association for public subnet
- Internet gateway for public subnet
- Gitlab Instance
- Gitlab Runner Token
and it performs following actions:
- Creates a number of Gitlab Runners
- Configures the runners to authenticate to a private docker registry
- Register Runners with Gitlab using Gitlab URL and Token
module gitlab_runner {
source = "../module/"
vpc_id = var.vpc_id
security_group_id = var.security_group_id
namespace = "eg"
name = "app"
stage = "test"
attributes = ["xyz"]
ssh_key_name = var.ssh_key_name
gitlab_runner_count = var.gitlab_runner_count
gitlab_runner_url = var.gitlab_runner_url
gitlab_runner_token = var.gitlab_runner_token
gitlab_runner_tags = var.gitlab_runner_tags
gitlab_runner_docker_registry_url = var.gitlab_runner_docker_registry_url
gitlab_runner_docker_registry_auth = var.gitlab_runner_docker_registry_auth
Input | Description | Type | Default | Required |
namespace | Namespace, which could be your organization name or abbreviation" | string |
"" | yes |
stage | Stage, e.g. 'prod', 'staging', 'dev' | string |
"" | yes |
name | Solution name, e.g. 'app' or 'jenkins' | string |
"" | yes |
attributes | Additional attributes | list |
<list> |
no |
delimiter | Delimiter to be used between namespace, environment, stage, name and attributes | string |
"-" | no |
security_group_id | ID of Security group for gitlab runner instances | string |
"" | yes |
vpc_id | VPC ID | string |
"" | yes |
ssh_key_name | Key Pair to be used for gitlab-runner ec2 instance | string |
"" | yes |
root_ebs_size | Size of EBS volume attached to gitab runner | number |
32 |
no |
gitlab_runner_count | How many runners you want? | number |
2 |
no |
gitlab_runner_url | URL for Runner setup | string |
"" | yes |
gitlab_runner_token | Gitlab Runner registration token | string |
"" | yes |
gitlab_runner_tags | Gitlab Runner tag list (comma separated) | string |
"" | yes |
gitlab_runner_docker_image | Gitlab Runner default docker image. | string |
alpine:3.9 |
no |
gitlab_runner_docker_registry_url | URL of a private docker registry. | string |
"" | no |
gitlab_runner_docker_registry_auth | Base64 encoded basic auth credentials for the private registry (`echo -n "my_username:my_password" | base64`). | string |
"" |
gitlab_concurrent_job | Number of Gitlab CI concurrent job to run | string |
"4" |
no |
gitlab_check_interval | Gitlab CI check interval value | string |
"0" |
no |
amazon_linux_ami | AMI for AWS EC2 instance resources. | string |
"ami-0ff8a91507f77f867" |
no |
Name | Description |
instance_public_ip | List of Gitlab Runner Instance Public IP |