
text to speech model returning mpeg file, not mp3

Lazizbek97 opened this issue · 3 comments

When we use text to speech model: model: "tts-1";
it is returning .mpeg file, and i cannot listen it on app.
it should return mp3, so that i can listen it on app.

// create speech from text
Future createSpeech(String prompt) async {
final appDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
// The speech request.
File speechFile = await
model: "tts-1",
input: prompt,
voice: "nova",
responseFormat: OpenAIAudioSpeechResponseFormat.mp3,
outputFileName: "speech",
outputDirectory: appDir,

return speechFile;


I've been able to play the mpeg file using the just_audio library and it works fine! I also tried just changing the file name to .mp3 and it worked as well.

@Padi142 would you mind sharing the code, I've tried what you suggested but none of it works. Thank you

Of course!
I used the path_provider package to get a writable directory in my android app.

    final File speechFile = await
      model: 'tts-1-hd',
      input: 'Why do mice like cheese?',
      voice: 'nova',
      responseFormat: OpenAIAudioSpeechResponseFormat.mp3,
      outputDirectory: await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory(),
      outputFileName: 'output'

This will create an audio file and returns its path with a file extension included. You can then use just_audio package like this:

final AudioPlayer player = AudioPlayer();
await player.setFilePath(speechFile.path);

The audio should start playing even tho the file extension is mpeg.