
Plugin Not Recognized By Terraform

Closed this issue · 3 comments

HI Team,

Thanks for making this provider! Unfortunately I can't get this working with Terraform 0.12.1. I have downloaded v0.30.0 of your plugin (Darwin) and added it to ~/.terraform.d/plugins/darwin_amd64. I'm on Mac OS Mojave 10.14.5.

I have added the following provider instantiation from your example expecting it to fail due to bad creds.

provider "onepassword" {
    email      = ""
    password   = "super secret master password"
    subdomain  = "company"

However when I try terraform init I get the following error.
Provider "onepassword" not available for installation.

I have the ALKS provider installed in the same directory and it is recognized as expected, so I don't think it's something on my side.


I figured it out. The default name for your release artifacts causes terraform to not recognize it as a provider. Changing the name to terraform-provider-onepassword_v0.3.0 for the latest release fixed the problem.

@AMcManigal thank for open this issue. I will reconfigure travis build and after that situation should be better. Thanks.

feel free to re-open this issue if something went wrong