
Terraform 0.12 handling of map assignment

Closed this issue · 1 comments

piyat commented


Terraform: 0.12.19 version = "2.46"
provider.onepassword: version = "0.5"
provider.random: version = "2.2"


First off - thanks for this provider, it's been immensely useful.

I'm working on a tf 0.12 project and ran across an issue when trying to template a onepassword_item_common type resource.

I'm creating one or many aws_db_instance resources, supplying them a password using random_password from the random provider and the for_each iterator and then attempting to automate adding this password, along with some instance attributes to a new item in 1password.

Note, this works fine if I do not use the section block.. so the looping etc does exactly as expected and will create one or many onepass items containing the correct information. I'm using the onepassword_item_common resource so I can include a specific set of fields (the thinking is to use these items as a data source in a subsequent terraform module, so I want a custom 1pass item).

If it would be helpful to see a full example let me know, I didn't want to do that since I'm not 100% certain this isn't a known problem/I'm misusing the section block.


Example vars:

variable rds_instances {
    "dev" {
        instance_name                   = "exampledevdb"
        op_vault_name                   = "dev-vault"
        storage_gb                      = "10"
        instance_class                  = "db.t3.micro"
        db_user                         = "devadmin"
        multi_az                        = false
        rds_ingress_rules               = []
        rds_egress_rules                = []
    "uat" {
        instance_name                   = "exampletestdb"
        op_vault_name                   = "uat-vault"
        storage_gb                      = "10"
        instance_class                  = "db.t3.micro"
        db_user                         = "uatadmin"
        multi_az                        = false
        rds_ingress_rules               = []
        rds_egress_rules                = []
resource "onepassword_item_common" "save_to_onepassword" {
  for_each = var.rds_instances 
  name     = "RDS: ${each.value.instance_name}"
  vault    = each.value.op_vault_name
  notes    = "Managed by Terraform. Do not update this entry manually."

  template = "Config"
  section = {
    field = {
      name    = "Username"
      string  = each.value.db_user

    field = {
      name = "Password"
      concealed = random_password.db_pass[each.key].result

    field = {
      name =  "Address"
      string = aws_db_instance.rds_instance[each.key].address

    field = {
      name = "Port"
      string = aws_db_instance.rds_instance[each.key].port

    field = {
      name = "Endpoint"
      string = aws_db_instance.rds_instance[each.key].endpoint


A new item is created in specified 1pass vault.


Error: Unsupported argument

on ../../../tf-module-rds/ line 89, in resource "onepassword_item_login" "save_to_onepassword":
89: section = {

An argument named "section" is not expected here. Did you mean to define a
block of type "section"?


TF docs suggest: If you see an error like the following from your tests after upgrading, adding the missing equals sign is usually the answer.

This also errors as tf is attempting to set field for each element in the section block.

Error: Attribute redefined

on ../../../tf-module-rds/ line 95, in resource "onepassword_item_login" "save_to_onepassword":
95: field = {

The argument "field" was already set at
../../../tf-module-rds/,5-10. Each argument may be set only once.


2020/02/25 16:30:22 [ERROR] module.rds: eval: *terraform.EvalValidateResource, err: Unsupported argument: An argument named "section" is not expected here. Did you mean to define a block of type "section"?
2020/02/25 16:30:22 [ERROR] module.rds: eval: *terraform.EvalSequence, err: Unsupported argument: An argument named "section" is not expected here. Did you mean to define a block of type "section"?

piyat commented

This was user error! Remove all assignment operators and it works just fine.

Leaving this here in case it helps anyone else out:

  section {
  field {
    name    = "Username"
    string  = each.value.db_user

  field {
    name = "Password"
    concealed = random_password.db_pass[each.key].result

  field {
    name =  "Address"
    string = aws_db_instance.rds_instance[each.key].address

  field {
    name = "Port"
    string = aws_db_instance.rds_instance[each.key].port

  field {
    name = "Endpoint"
    string = aws_db_instance.rds_instance[each.key].endpoint