
the '--raw' parameter is unsupported since v.0.9.4 or earlier

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi, thanks for doing the good work!

I have a problem to report regarding this version checking call with latest op CLI versions for Mac:

My observation is that using an OP_VERSION env var has no longer an effect due to the parameter --raw which is apparently no longer supported, which in turn makes the provider enter the installOPClient routine.

Tested with Mac op versions:

  • 0.9.4
  • 0.10.0 (latest as of now)

Running op --version --raw has this effect:

$ op --version --raw
[LOG] 2020/05/13 18:23:27 (ERROR)  unknown flag: --raw
  op [command]

Thanks for your request. I removed it.