
Using in docker?

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Has anyone succeeded in using in Docker? I get to the apply part and

onepassword_vault.company_role_vault: Creating...

Error: some error in command [create vault company-role-vault]
Error: fork/exec /tmp/terraform-provider-onepassword/1.4.0/op: no such file or directory

It appears to be taking the credentials correctly because if I don't then it fails on plan.

Looking at the op command installed it appears to be linked against not-alpine, but I'm not exactly a docker nor terraform expert.

~ # ldd /tmp/terraform-provider-onepassword/1.4.0/op
	/lib64/ (0x7fd792e9e000) => /lib64/ (0x7fd792e9e000) => /lib64/ (0x7fd792e9e000)

I'm using a fairly standard terraform 0.13.5 and alpine 3.11.2.

This could just be a op problem, but I wanted to know if others succeeded with docker.

Ah this appears to be a debian-based image -

I was using this with the Atlantis image, which is also based on Alpine. Got it working with installing libc6-compat:
RUN apk add libc6-compat