
Booster favors password / recovery key over Fido2

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0xSigi commented

Hello, I am having issues booting with Booster that I haven't seen before.. Due to using Camellia as my cipher for Luks I am still using the wip branch (running Arch), today I've build a new machine and rolled everything as it was with my other rigs. however to my surprise booster favors recovery key (or a regular password) over my enrolled Fido2 key.. I did everything the same way as I did before so I am not sure from where this behavior comes.. To be able to use Fido I have to press enter a couple of times when being prompted for password and after few tries it asks me for my PIN.. This is rather cumbersome and tedious even thou I don't reboot that often..

Any idea what could be causing this? Once it asks for PIN it unlocks fine using yubikey.