
Does nothing in 4.1.1

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Rukiri commented

Position no longer changes when smoother is active, but works again if it's deactivated.
Was working fine in 4.0 and even 4.1.1 but the latest update killed it yet again.

@Rukiri, thanks for raising this issue. However, I cannot reproduce it. I just tested it in the latest stable version v4.1.1.stable.official [bd6af8e0e], and in the latest dev snapshot v4.2.dev5.official [e3e2528ba], but in both the Smoother Node worked as expected. I tried it in this Test Scene and when I turned the node processing on and off the difference was apparent.

Is there any specific setup in your case that may cause the issue?

the latest update killed it yet again

For clarification, do you mean the latest Godot or the latest Smoother Node update?

I did get a few debug warnings in newer Godot versions, and these should be fixed in the latest commit, but these warnings didn't break anything in my tests.

I also submitted the latest update to the official Godot asset library and the listing will be updated after that's reviewed (as of this comment the Smoother Node is still a version number behind). In the meantime, you can use the latest version here.

Can confirm it works perfectly on 4.1.1 (I still can't believe how well this works just by throwing the node in the scene, its incredible).