
connectionPoolSize/connectionPoolMaxOverflow for engine-upgrade job

zlugo opened this issue · 0 comments

zlugo commented

Hi, I am trying to use Anchore with a PostgreSQL database that does not support lots of open connections.
Therefore I've decreased the dbConfig.connectionPoolSize and dbConfig.connectionPoolMaxOverflow values which works very well in general and avoids exhausting the available database connections.

However, the pods created for the engine-upgrade job don't take up these values. Instead the logs show the default values for both the pool size and the max overflow, e.g.:
[MainThread] [anchore_manager.util.db/connect_database()] [INFO] DB params: {"db_connect_args": {"connect_timeout": 86400}, "db_pool_size": 30, "db_pool_max_overflow": 100}

I assume this is the reason the engine-upgrade pods are crashing with
[MainThread] [anchore_manager.util.logging/log_error()] [ERROR] Error: DB connection failed - exception: %stest connection failed - exception: (psycopg2.OperationalError) FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections

Is there a way to make this work, i.e. by mapping the config-volume the same way as it is done in e.g. the api_deployment.yaml?