
Support for playing uploaded music

CaptainJawZ opened this issue · 4 comments

I noticed my library/playlists were smaller on clay, and after looking through the song lists I noticed it was because it isn't displaying the music I uploaded myself to google servers, any way to adjust this?

Besides that it's an amazing app!

Hello @CaptainJawZ,

Thanks for reporting and the kind words. Could you go into the debug tab (alt + 0), copy the error messages there (press enter) and paste them here so we can take a look at them?

Hello! thanks for your reply! so here is one of the errors it shows, reading through the metadata I can tell this is in fact one of the songs I've uploaded

Failed to parse track data: KeyError('explicitType',), failing data: {'discNumber': 1, 'totalDiscCount': 1, 'albumArtist': 'Mariah Carey & My Chemical Romance', 'id': '23d1cd49-9e00-394a-8eab-0e240cebf7ac', 'deleted': False, 'durationMillis': '195024', 'creationTimestamp': '1538778999472847', 'clientId': 'DmQpi+o3ucRmhUjt3y5Dbg', 'recentTimestamp': '1538778999470000', 'genre': 'MashUp', 'playCount': 1, 'rating': '0', 'kind': 'sj#track', 'album': 'Mashup', 'beatsPerMinute': 0, 'albumArtRef': [{'kind': 'sj#imageRef', 'url': ''}], 'year': 2016, 'comment': '', 'lastModifiedTimestamp': '1538779664127751', 'artist': 'oneboredjeu Mashup', 'totalTrackCount': 1, 'trackNumber': 1, 'title': 'Welcome to the Christmas Parade', 'estimatedSize': '3304650', 'composer': ''}

Here is another one a bit longer, but also a song I uploaded

Failed to parse track data: KeyError('explicitType',), failing data: {'discNumber': 0, 'totalDiscCount': 0, 'albumArtRef': [{'kind': 'sj#imageRef', 'url': ''}], 'albumArtist': 'Darren Korb', 'id': '78ea4535-8701-3e92-b5b7-a0e258281004', 'deleted': False, 'durationMillis': '149915', 'creationTimestamp': '1512894843983448', 'albumId': 'Bfsoleb4cesgqziy2fy5kpqmet4', 'clientId': 'ows8x1EkgkK1uFDjGZqIXw', 'artistId': ['Aouneqxmi6qgp77xtuoimojqrwe'], 'recentTimestamp': '1512894843981000', 'nid': 'Tkmudcmicg5oc2lxu5hr3ct6xhe', 'genre': '', 'playCount': 16, 'rating': '0', 'kind': 'sj#track', 'album': 'Transistor Original Soundtrack', 'storeId': 'Tkmudcmicg5oc2lxu5hr3ct6xhe', 'beatsPerMinute': 0, 'artistArtRef': [{'autogen': True, 'kind': 'sj#imageRef', 'aspectRatio': '2', 'url': ''}], 'year': 2014, 'comment': '', 'lastModifiedTimestamp': '1538427991848368', 'artist': 'Darren Korb', 'totalTrackCount': 0, 'trackNumber': 17, 'title': 'We All Become', 'estimatedSize': '5998786', 'composer': ''}

I have looked at the error and it is actually something we fixed in the development branch a few weeks ago, however we haven't made a release which includes it yet. To fix you need to change line 131 in from self.explicit_rating = int(data['explicitType']) to self.explicit_rating = (int(data['explicitType'] if 'explicitType' in data else 0))

ps. I know this should be cleaned up a bit.

I tried it out and now works perfectly! thank you so much!