
Primary LanguagePython

Nextstrain build pipeline for the WestNile 4K Project

This is the repository used to build nextstrain.org/WNV/NA

Installation / Set-Up

Under construction

File Structure

Under construction

Data download

Downloading all genomes and metadata from NCBI

To automatically download all WNV data (genomes and metadata) from NCBI, run the following command. This will generate the basic inputs to run the analysis.

python download_sequences.py --mode separate

This will get all genome sequences and associated metadata from NCBI.

Downloading only new entries, appending new data to existing files

If existing files are provided (see examples inside input_files folder above), the command below will avoid re-downloading entries already present in the files (genomes and rows of metadata), and will resume the download of new entries, only.

python download_sequences.py --sequences sequences.fasta --metadata metadata.tsv --mode append

The argument --append above will append the newly downloaded sequences and metadata rows at the bottom of the corresponding files. If --separate is used, separate files will be generated. If names for --output1 and --output2 are provided, those will be the names of the newly generated FASTA file and metadata, respectively.

Run the command below to see more instructions:

python download_sequences.py --h

Run the build

Under construction

Visualise the results

Under construction

Deploy the JSONs to nextstrain.org

Under construction