
Skill Challenges / Initiative Orders with Single Creature will not initiate

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

When creating a skill challenge for a single creature, using the 'done' command will not close the collection of new creatures. It seems that the Traveler gets stuck when only having one creature, not allowing the addition of other creatures either to try and remedy the issue.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Run !sc start
  2. Set up the skill challenge with whatever parameters for tier / difficulty
  3. Add a single creature
  4. Type in 'done'

Expected behavior

Skill challenges should be allowed to continue with only one creature registered. Initiative order is a little different, and honestly the restriction should persist if that is something I added myself, since there's no point in tracking initiative for one person and one enemy. You should just flip a coin at that point.


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Additional context

This issue occurs AFTER the done command has been ran, but before the skill challenge readout is printed for the user. One potential avenue of approach could be that the sort of a single creature list may not be properly running and could be infinitely looping. Of note to support this: There is no error output on the RPI console when this issue occurs, but the Traveler crashed a couple of minutes after.

Issue has been resolved. CheckDuplicateCounts was trying to compare two items when in all reality there was just one. Should be fixed in the next commit.