
library for .net framework project

dualxu opened this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for your great work on beacons. I am now working on a .net framework COM project, but it doesn't work with your universal platform library.
Is there any solution for this? thanks!

I'm not a part of this project, but the library can be used on .NET Framework applications. The UniversalBeacon.Library.Core is picked up as a reference if you add it to your project. The main problem is that you will need to implement your own IBluetoothPacketProvider for your platform.

If you only need to support Windows 10, then you can look at the source of UniversalBeacon.Library.UWP and re-implement it (basically copy/paste from WindowsBluetoothPacketProvider and PacketExtensions and follow the Apache 2.0 -- or whatever the license is if it ever changes and you use the newer version -- license) using Microsoft's process to call UWP features from Win32. For me, that involved Microsoft's (preview) Microsoft.Windows.SDK.Contracts NuGet package. (You can also use the Windows 10 SDK to do it yourself.)