
How to update a pin's channel?

bzm3r opened this issue · 2 comments

Suppose I run npins init --bar, and then npins add channel nixpkgs-stable.

Assume I take the the trouble to rename nixpkgs-23.05 to stable in source.json.

Now, in the future, suppose I want to switch to nixpkgs-23.11. Is there any way for me to do that using npins? (I think not?) Essentially an equivalent for the following from niv:

niv update nixpkgs --branch nixos-23.11

Simply re-adding with npins add --name nixpkgs channel nixos-23.11 should work.

@piegamesde Aha! Thanks! I was misunderstanding what the name option was for. I think it would be helpful if it did have a small string describing what its purpose is.