
AltGr key stays as down with current atom git version.

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confirm This renders the plugin useless.

@demhydraz maybe you do a PR on atom

a rather primitive workaround (not fix and kinda dumb) is to manually "unlock" AltGr by doing these 4 steps pretty slow:
hit ctrl (left)
hit alt (left)
leave alt (left)
leave ctrl (left)

It at least worked on windows though not practical and kinda hackish... sadly i don't understand enough coffeescript to change anything effectively and the owner doesn't seem to be around these days

Sorry for the late response. I think next week i'll have some time for investigating. Until then i suggest using atom stable.

Looks like there is no need for an own keyup event handler implementation anymore.
Since atom v1.7 keyup events flow through the same keydownhandler core function.
Should be an easy fix within the package.

Sadly doesn't work for me at the moment, means AltGr still remains pressed.
Well as far as i can see the updated version (1.4.16) doesn't contain the changed source, thus asking when it will be part of the official release? I tried Atom 1.7.0-beta0 and beta4.
(Or may it be that there's any error with the version handling in Atom?)

I havent published the fix for Altgr down yet. The fix is at the moment in a branch and i've have to do a little testing before i merged and published it.
I'll leave you a note when its ready.

should be fixed in v1.4.17

Atom 1.7.0-beta4 only allows me to install 1.4.16 while showing the following message:
"Version 1.4.16 is not the latest version available for this package, but it's the latest that is compatible with your version of Atom."

@rapus95 should be working now. I fixed the semver check for beta channel support.