
Difference between OSX and Windows

hmps opened this issue · 2 comments

hmps commented

Swedish keyboards on OSX has the "|" character (keyCode 124) mapped to ⌥ + 7. See keyboard layouts below for verification (There are two alternate layouts, Pro and Standard, but both has the same | mapping).


monosnap 2016-03-14 15-43-24

Swedish Pro

monosnap 2016-03-14 15-44-13

Swedish keyboards on Windows are mapped as the current layout in this repo. I'm happy to PR, but would like to know if it's acceptable to create a second set of Swedish mappings, with the OSX standards?

In my experience osx keymappings should work out of the box without this package. If not i think its ok to create a second set of mappings for osx.

This package has been deprecated.
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