
Diffs/colours not visible on Atom 1.5.3/atom-svn 0.0.9

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I am a newcomer to Atom and use GIT and (forced to) use SVN at work. I installed the atom-svn plugin but can't get it to work which is frustrating.

Atom 1.5.3
Theme Atom-Dark/Atom-Dark
SVN plugin 0.0.9
git-diff 0.57.0 plugin installed
SVN client 1.7.14
SVN Server 1.8.8
'svn' in $PATH
RedHat Linux 7 (3.10.0-327.10.1.el7.x86_64)

Git highlights modified files in orange and new (green), changed lines (orange), deleted lines (pink).
Treeview displays modified files (directories) in orange.

However, for a SVN controlled file, for an SBN controlled file, no colours or diffs are visible.

Am I missing something obvious ?

Dupe. Sorry.