
Crash on opening folder

Opened this issue · 7 comments

v 1.8.0

v 0.0.12

Windows 10 Pro x64.


Community Packages

Crash Log


Atom crashes when trying to open a file or folder when this plugin is enabled.

Could not reproduce the issue using atom --safe so I went through an disabled all of my packages until I found the one that was causing the crash.

Please let me know if there is any other information that I can provide to help you track down this issue.

0rvar commented

Thanks for reporting this issue.

Does the issue still happen if svn is the only enabled community package? If not, could you try to find the combination of svn + another package that causes the crash? I.e, enabling one other package except for svn at a time and seeing if you can find the combination.

Hello !

I'm experiencing the same issue with a fresh install of atom (Install for the first time).

I've freshly install atom yesterday and atom-svn was the first package I've installed.

I was forced to remove the packages because atoms was unusable :/

I had the same issue unfortunately. :(

One thing I have noticed is that in fact, it is just taking forever to check file statuses, causing the crash.

Also, you can just wait and keep clicking "Keep Waiting" (Win10, (i know...)), but when focusing back to the editor it crashes again. For large projects, the waiting time can take up to 2min.

I have tried disabling all the other community packages but the problem persists. Even reenabling it crashes.

UPDATE: Thought disabling 'file-icons' helped, but it didn't.

After spending a few hours last night I noticed the issue is actually with Git status. This comment here fixed ("hacked") the issue. And is related to all OSs.

Off-topic, @BeigeBadger, what did you use to generate the PC stats screenshot?

0rvar commented

@Spitfire1900 that looks like Speccy