
Space between controls - AKA spacers

LoganDark opened this issue · 1 comments

libui-rs currently uses empty uiBoxes as stretchy spacers, but what if I want fixed spacers? Not by any particular amount, of course, I just want a unit of space to separate things out by. Like the window margin - no nonstandard px amounts, just one standard unit of space.

Right now, an empty label works okay as a vertical spacer.


But what about a horizontal one? A label with a couple space characters as its content? Honestly, both of these solutions feel dirty to me. I think libui should implement proper spacers.

There could be a zero-size spacer, meant for stretchy use, and a one-size spacer meant for non-stretchy use. Maybe there could be two variants of the one-size spacer - one vertical one with zero width, and one horizontal one with zero height.

Also note that this isn't exactly the same as the padding that uiBox already provides, since that indiscriminately provides padding between all elements.