
QA stages

  • familiarization with the requirements for the device service backend
  • test cases implementation (smoke, negative etc.)
  • testing/test automation

Test cases

  1. Check that GET /devices method call will return list of devices with its info
  2. Check that PATCH /devices method call will change specified device parameter
    • duty1
    • duty2
    • freq1
    • freq2
  3. Check that PATCH /devices method call with invalid/incorrect parameters will cause an exception
    • empty parameters
    • empty values to edit
    • unknown address
    • invalid percentage value
    • invalid percentage parameter type
    • invalid frequencies value
    • invalid frequencies parameter type
  4. Check that GET /report method call with valid report type for all known devices will return a report text
    • 100
    • 200
    • 300
    • 400
  5. Check that GET /report method call with invalid/incorrect parameters will cause an exception
    • empty address
    • empty repId
    • unknown address
    • invalid repId value
    • invalid repId type
  6. Check that duties and frequencies data could be received via web socket: /start_monitoring/{address}
  7. Check that proper data could not being received via web socket in invalid parameters specified
    • unknown address
    • invalid address type

How to run tests:

docker-compose up --exit-code-from tests


Total issues count: 13

  1. Could not monitor Transmission device data (major).

    • Steps to reproduce:
      1. Call start_monitoring method with 129 address specified
      2. Iterate over response to obtain device info
    • Expected result: Device info present in response
    • Actual result: Not Found in response
  2. Could not obtain report with type 400 for all kind of devices (major).

    • Steps to reproduce:
      1. Call GET /report with repId specified as 400
    • Expected result: Response status – 200 OK. Report content present in response
    • Actual result: Response status – 404 Not Found. Report is not exist in response