
voive commands and voice response

Closed this issue · 3 comments

andlo commented

As Theia is running on a mycroft devie, there is posibility for voice interaction and responses.

But what could be good, fun or helpfull ?

Having Mycroft telling all errors from linting isnt that smat I think.

But maybe stuff like:
"Open volume-skill in IDE" - opens the skilldir as a workspace
"Deactivate skill" makes a skill deactiveted, so we can work on it whitout mycroft keeps saying there is an error in XXX skill.


andlo commented

Added start, stop and restrt voice commands

Unfortunately this skill now reacts to "stop" utterance for stopping playback of skills (e.g. Pandora or Spotify). I was working on the stop() function of one of my own skills and while testing Theia IDE shut down. Can you change stop to "deactivate" or "shut down"?

andlo commented

Oh That is not intended. You are right - I will change sart and stop to activate and shut down.