
How to refresh access_token via refresh_token?

AlexNik opened this issue ยท 9 comments

Is it implemented? Refreshing access token section

Need to implement a method in DnsApi class that will wrap refresh_token from requests_oauthlib.

I will try to test it tommorow.

The function refresh_token works fine.
I could to access to NIC records after calling it.

Could you add return token to theese places:



There is token_updater_clb but I am not familiar with it :(
Could you describe how to use it please?

Could you add return token to these places

Hmm, will think about it. For now I look on those methods more like on procedures that just modify the state (they are setting self._token) and not return anything. You can either use token_updater_clb or access api._token in your script.

token_updater_clb is pretty easy to use โ€“ you need to pass a method that will call i.e. json.dump() on its argument:

import json
import os

from oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.tokens import OAuth2Token

TOKEN_CACHE_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".nic_ru_token.json")

def _load_token():
    with open(TOKEN_CACHE_FILE, "r") as fp_token:
        token_data = json.load(fp_token)
    return OAuth2Token(token_data)

def _save_token(token):
    with open(TOKEN_CACHE_FILE, "w") as fp_token:
        json.dump(token, fp_token)

def test_add_delete_commit():
    token = _load_token()
    api = DnsApi(
    api.default_service = "DP12345678"
    api.default_zone = ""
    rec_1 = ARecord("", name="foobar")
    added = api.add_record(rec_1)

I see.

The access_token is refreshed by OAuth2Session automatically, yes?

Not sure if it works properly, but the code is written for the support of automatic refresh

OAuth2Session should check if self._token["expires_at"] is too close to the current time on each GET/POST/PUT/DELETE. If token is about to expire and refresh_token is present, the session should request a new token. You can test it with api.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) โ€“ you will see all requests that the code does.

Could you release new version to PyPi?

Done, released as v0.4.1.