Simple Python3 Command Line tool to train foreign languange vocabulary.
Done with my son for his English and Latin course.
Documentation is a bit outdated though...

alt text

It offers three features:

  • A) Vocabulary Trainer
  • B) Spellchecker for english vocabulary files
  • C) Generate Latin declination & konjugation All three use the same file format

File Format

CSV based vocabulary files. Strcuture of vocabulary files:
<Vocabulary>[:<Alternate Vocabulary>]*;<Translation>[:<Alternate Translation>]*


Optional Type pf Word (for Latin Test see C) )

  • A: Adjective
  • S: Noun (Substantiv)
  • V; Verb

<Vocabulary>[:<Alternate Vocabulary>]*;<Translation>[:<Alternate Translation>]*;<A|V|N>



  • Works, is in daily use
  • Python dependencies need to be installed first
  • internationalization missing
  • focus on our needs, not generalized

Requirements / Dependencies


# Install Python3  
bash> brew install python3 
# Install enchant (Spellchecker)
bash> brew install enchant
# Install pyenchant
bash> pip3 install pyenchant

A) Vocabulary Test - Features:


  • foreign language words - asks e.g. latin you answer in your language
  • orginal language words - asks your langauge you answer in e.g. latin
  • number of words k - the number of
  • all variants - you need to provide all variants of a translation
  • voice based results (say correct answer) - says the correct answer (works on mac)
  • no problem vocabulary - switches of default mode, which asks all wrongly answered vaocabularies at the end


Gives a grade based on the german school grades (1 - Best to 6 - worst)

============= Ergebnis ================

        Note            : 6.0

        Dauer   : 0 Minuten 4 Sekunden
        Gesamt  :  26
        Richtig :  0
        Falsch  :  26

Usage Tracker

Creates a .result file, which contains the time duration type of test and the result, e.g.:

2017-03-05 : 11:34:23 : 11:34:27 : 6 : 3.0 :username : 18 : 20 : mixed : ./example-voc.csv  
## Problem Vocabulary
Keeps track of wrong vocabulary and mixes the problem vocabulary into the question stream.
Example File:
(Language; Vocabulary; Correct Answer(s), Wrong Ansert; Wrong Count  

Vocabulary Tracker

Keeps track that the randomly asked vocabularies are distributed somehow evenly.

{'dum': 2, 'fluere,volvere': 2, 'aegrotus': 2, 'forum': 2, 'iratus': 2, 'quamquam': 2, 'ignoscere': 2, 'diu': 2, 'quod': 2, 'imperium': 2, 'caput': 2, 'templum': 2, 'aedificum': 2}


Usage: ./ -i <inputfile> [-v] [-e] [-d] [-m] [-r] [-c n] [-h]  
	-i <inputfile> :: name of the file containing the vocabulary  
	-v             :: voice based results (say correct answer)  
	-n             :: no problem vocabulary  
	-h             :: prints this help message   
	-f             :: asks foreign language words  
	-d             :: asks orginal language words  
	-m             :: asks mixed  
	-c <Anzahl>    :: number of words to ask  
	-a             :: all variants are asked  
	./ -i voc.csv

B) Spellchecker

Checks the CSV file for typos (English only)


Usage: ./ -i <inputfile> [-v] [-e] [-d] [-m] [-r] [-c n] [-h]  
	-i <inputfile> :: name of the file containing the vocabulary  

	./ -i voc.csv

C) Generate Latin Test

Generates a simple latin test based on the vocabulary. If the lines contains the type of word it asks for Genus and Kasus or Person and mode.


Usage: ./ -i <inputfile> [-c n] [-h]
        -i <inputfile> :: name of the file containing the vocabulary
        -h             :: prints this help message
        -c <Anzahl>    :: number of words to ask

        ./ -i voc.csv -v

Example Report

bash-3.2$ ./ -i example/example-voc.csv
Es werden 12 Vokabeln abgefragt.
 Vokabeldatei : example/example-voc.csv
 Erzeugt am   : 2017-03-05_19-23
caput :                        |
  Gen. Pl.                     |
fluere :                       |
  2. Pers Pl.                  |
imperium :                     |
  Gen. Pl.                     |
forum :                        |
  Akk. Pl.                     |
quod :                         |
iratus :                       |
  m. Gen. Sg.                  |
templum :                      |
  Gen. Pl.                     |
aedificum :                    |
  Gen. Pl.                     |
quamquam :                     |

Requirements / Dependencies


  • Install Python3
    • brew install python3
  • Install enchant (Spellchecker)
    • On MAC:
      • brew install enchant
      • Install pyenchant
        • pip3 install pyenchant
    • On Ubuntu
      • sudo apt-get install python3-enchant
  • Install MQTT Client Library
  • pip3 install paho-mqtt

Find Local MODULES

export PYTHONPATH=/home/user/path/src