
How to contribute

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I have a contribution that I'd like to create a PR for. I've added the ability to send arrow keys. I am planning to experiment with this for navigating code.

What do I need to do to add these contributions? Specifically, how does it work in terms of the license file? I assume I should not modify this, but I also don't think I'm allowed to implicitly claim that the code I added is written by you.

I'm hoping to make some more contributions over time if this experiment works out, so would appreciate any guidance.

Hi! Thanks for contributing to the project. The license is very permissive so you can basically just add a PR and not worry about it. Other people have already contributed to the code, and you usually track who did what by looking at the git history.

As for adding a PR you should think of the following:

  • Is the feature something that is useful for other people and is it a good fit with the current functionality?
  • Please keep the PR nice and tidy. I cannot spend a lot of time on this project so keeping the PRs simple to review and low risk in terms of stability helps me out a lot.