Login fails - Cert issues
Opened this issue · 5 comments
Hi Guys,
I followed the instruction on the main page and ran into the following:
login: Error: Could not resolve FirebaseService - "Failed to parse private key: Error: Too few bytes to read ASN.1 value."
Few question:
- As per instruction, the value of JWT_SECRET and SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY should be the same? is this correct?
I formatted the Private_Key to multiline, removed all the \n from the key and can not seem to resolve it, as soon as I login, I get re-directed to the main login page again.
Also I get this "warning" Warning, FIREBASE_CONFIG and GCLOUD_PROJECT environment variables are missing. Initializing firebase-admin will fail
Nora is amazing! and if there is anything I can do help troubleshoot, please let me know.
BTW, the DB is created, as I can see 1 table, however, 0 rows.
OK, I finally logged in, I REMOVED the value from JWT_SECRET (it is now BLANK) and I was able to login. NOde-Red home Automation
Use the following token in node-red NORA configuration node:
I get the token, and enter it in my Conig in Node-red, but now I get "nora (gYA3Y): socket connection error: not authorized"
I am assuming it is trying to connect to another location other than mine?
@andrei-tatar I would be more than happy to help with a detail guide, however can you help me please get started? I will put a detail guide together once this is resolved.
Is anyone able to help with this? I really would like to get this going and update the user guide for other folks.
Same problem