
1-C Side-by-Side (Notes from First Session)

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These are notes from running these for the first time with my "seed" p2p group. I had 6 intermediate-level students and instructed them to read through the mission then attempt to teach it to their partner, with me answering questions and helping out.

  • The goal of this mission we came up with: "Have the student understand connection and lead/follow through a physical sense vs. a visual sense previously explored in 1-A and 1-B. They should have concepts of body lead/follow and energy control for changing speed/rhythm"

  • Missions states being on the same leg is not necessary. We found that legs naturally synced up to parallel via marching

  • We found some fun variation in the exercise by having the follow only hold the lead, and vise versa

  • Some debate on intent of musicality in this mission. Pauses and QQS are to be danced. Is this meant to match the music, or is energy the larger emphasis? Do we teach them to walk on the beat, or not worry about it? If basic beat-walking is taught here, could potentially take multiple sessions to move on.