
Verify if "exception.Error" is null before getting "exception.Error.StatusCode"

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Hi Andre,

First of all, thanks for awesome library.
I just noted one small bug in the ServiceClient class.

throw new Exception($"{exception.Error.Code} - {exception.Error?.Message ?? exception.Message}");

You verify if "Error" is null before trying to get the value of the Error.Message property, but you don't do the same for Error.Code. In this case, the application will throw a NullReferenceException instead of the expected one.


Happens when you get the rate limit exception - which does not have an error property.

I don't wanna be a "party pooper", but I found this nuget package from Microsoft, which actually makes the use of this project unnecessary. (at least for me)

@luizs81 Nice :-)
Will try if it covers my use case (export / import of whole luis model).

@luizs81 I didn't known these Microsoft package (which was what led me to create this one). However, this idea is not just an SDK to be a "proxy" for the Programmatic APIs but rather more elaborate functions that help the developer at the time of use.

Works like a charm ๐Ÿ‘

If I have time i will release a CLI based on the NuGet package (just covering my use case of export/import/train/publish).

@andreluizsecco I think it would make sense to base this project off the NuGet package then.

Maybe these elaborate functions could be released as a NuGet package of extension methods?

great package, i have checked the Microsoft one, but i cannot find the documentation of that package, so i stick with this

@michel-weber, yes, I was seriously considering leaving it just as an extension of the official SDK, however the @Bloodday comment led me to think that maybe this is not yet an hour due to the lack of official SDK documentation and some other factors. At the moment, I will continue to maintain it. Thanks for the contributions and feedbacks!

The CLI I wanted to write is already written by Microsoft:

Also check out the other tools: