
Is the project still active? #Help connecting to a WSS

arvanus opened this issue · 1 comments

(Is the author still working int his project?)

I'm trying to use this project's client to access this WS: wss:// from this link:
But i`m unable to make it work, someone can give me a idea?

A got this error:

Exception class EIdHTTPProtocolException with message 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

PS: I using Delphi 10.2 and XE7, here is my code copied from example:

//{$DEFINE WEBSOCKETSSL} enabled in the wsdefines.pas

  client := TIdHTTPWebsocketClient.Create(Self);
  client.Port := 443;
  client.Host := '';
  client.WSResourceName := 'trade/';
  client.SocketIOCompatible := true;

  client.Connect; //error

I suspect the origin os the error comes from this lines in IdHTTPWebsocketClient

// Why is "/" used? I don't know
        sURL := Format('https://%s:%d/', [Host, Port]);
        sURL := Format('http://%s:%d/', [Host, Port]);

Thanks for any help!

I don't (actively) support this project anymore, see readme for 3rd party component (free version available)