
KeyNotFoundException from scoped.Parent = offsetToSymInfo[scopeparent]

Opened this issue · 2 comments


to start with i dont really know that much about the inner workings of the tds. 
My problem is that i get a KeyNotFoundException from scoped.Parent = 
offsetToSymInfo[scopeparent] some times when using tds2pdb 103. The key in my 
case being 11790 (though i doubt that is saying much...). In later iterations 
of the ParseSymbols method the key appears. Now as i said i dont know much 
about the tds and i dont know how this key-pair-matching of symbols is all 
connected. If you could give me some hints (or some place this stuff is 
documented) that would be great. Then i could have a look and try to figure out 
whats going on. 

Also, not sure if they are connected but i get alot of:
Warning: Name cannot be parsed: " + strname + " possible reason - incomplete
See attached file for exact messages.

Not sure what info to give you, i'm a bit reluctant to upload the dll rigth 
now. But if that is the only solution...

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
tds2pdb 103 on win7 64

thanks for a good work (the map2pdb works - though from what i understand tds 
is more detailed which it seems that i need)!

best regards

Original issue reported on by on 26 Jan 2015 at 3:29


I don't have much knowledge of the inner workings too, I got this source from 
someone else and made some small modifications. PDB is however not documented, 
TDS isn't too but there is some info on the internet, but I was not helpful 
enough for me (costs a lot of time to digg into).
Sorry I can't help you!

Original comment by andre.mussche on 27 Jan 2015 at 9:32

aha, i see. I'll search around and see if i can find someting useful.


Original comment by on 28 Jan 2015 at 10:05