
A color theme for terminator using Ethan Schoonover’s Solarized color scheme

Solarized terminator colors

A color theme for terminator using Ethan Schoonover’s Solarized color scheme.



  • config - solarized theme for terminator (by ghuntley)


Install the terminator configuration file:

git clone https://github.com/ghuntley/terminator-solarized.git
cd terminator-solarized
mkdir -p ~/.config/terminator/
touch ~/.config/terminator/config
# if you want to replace current config:
cp config ~/.config/terminator
# if you want to append current config:
cat config >> ~/.config/terminator/config

Modify the defaults stanza within the terminator configuration file to select your default(s)

# other text editors are available (gedit, emacs, etc)
vi ~/.config/terminator/config

To configure the default scheme used for new windows/tabs to solarized-light; change:

# solarized-dark
palette = "#073642:#dc322f:#859900:#b58900:#268bd2:#d33682:#2aa198:#eee8d5:#002b36:#cb4b16:#586e75:#657b83:#839496:#6c71c4:#93a1a1:#fdf6e3"
foreground_color = "#eee8d5"
background_color = "#002b36"
cursor_color = "#eee8d5"


# solarized-light
palette = "#073642:#d30102:#859900:#b58900:#6c71c4:#d33682:#2aa198:#839496:#586e75:#cb4b16:#859900:#b58900:#268bd2:#d33682:#2aa198:#93a1a1"
background_color = "#eee8d5"
cursor_color = "#002b36"
foreground_color = "#002b36"

To configure the default scheme used upon launch; change:

  type = Terminal
  parent = window0
  profile = default


  type = Terminal
  parent = window0
  profile = solarized-light


solarized terminator