
How to add a new line after the prompt?

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Because of the virtual environment, my prompt is getting too long and I would like the cursor to be on the line below; I found in the 'behavior' section the option "enable_vertical_padding=true", which is already enabled by default, but it's not working.

Hi @adjoli,
For me, in order to add a new line after the prompt.

  1. Go to ~/.config/synth-shell/
  2. Edit line 344
  • From:
PS1="$PS1 $input_format"
  • To:
PS1="$PS1\n> $input_format"
  1. Then, to execute changes source ~/.bashrc

Thank you.

Hy, @Fanaperana

It worked! Thanks a lot, but I'm worried about the message at the beginning of file to "do not edit this file"; shouldn't this change be made elsewhere?

As long as you don't mess with the other configuration. I think you will be okay. So far, I haven't encountered any issue by changing that line.

Hi guys! That's a neat solution @Fanaperana . I'll try to implement it in the code itself as soon as I have some free time. Someday, someday I will have holidays... ;)

@adjoli don't worry about the "Do not edit". The message is meant to remind you that the file will be overwritten next time you reinstall synth-shell. So you are free to edit the file however you please :)