
Creating a release

andrew-codes opened this issue · 0 comments

As a user, I want to be able to create a release dashboard, so that I can forecast work, plan, and view progression towards a release/goal.

When I click the release creation button, then I am presented with a form to enter release information. Release information includes:

  • Name
  • Summary
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Release tags
  • ADO teams associated to the release
  • Team members

When I begin entering release tags, then I can search and select from pre-populated values from tags in ADO. Defaults to ten items in the list.
When entering tag releases, then I can add multiple tags.

When I begin entering ADO teams, then I can search and select from pre-populated values of ADO Teams in ADO. Defaults to ten items in the list.
When entering ADO teams, then I can add multiple ADO teams.

When I begin entering team members, then I can search and select from pre-populated available team members. Defaults to ten items in the list.
When entering team members, then I can add multiple team members.

Given I have entered all the above information, when I click the save button, then I am taken back to the releases view.
Given I have entered all the above information, when I click the save button, then I am taken back to the releases view and I see my release listed with its listed details.