
Upgrade buffer-from to version 1.1.0

andrew opened this issue · 4 comments has found that there is a newer version of buffer-from that this project depends on.

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Quick question: buffer-from is not a direct dependency in package.json, right? So how would you go about updating that version? I see this package referenced only in the yarn.lock file

Just need to update the yarn.lock file with the yarn update command

Oh ok I see. I am not super familiar with yarn but after trying:
yarn upgrade buffer-from -> no dependencies updated
yarn upgrade buffer-from@1.1.0 -> add buffer-from as a dependency in package.json
yarn upgrade -> upgrade buffer-from to right version but will also upgrade all the other packages, which doesn't seem to be what we want.

Should I just go ahead with a regular yarn upgrade?

Yeah regular update is good 👍