
KnownPaths only works on Windows

rubensr opened this issue · 2 comments

The method Convention.MustHaveFilesBeEmbeddedResources fails on non-Windows machines as the KnownPaths class seem to rely on backslashes (and maybe other Windows-isms).

Full stack trace:

 Test method EntitlementsService.Tests.Conventions.DatabaseTests.MigrationScripts_MustBeEmbeddedResources threw exception:
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Length cannot be less than zero.
Parameter name: length
Stack Trace:
    at System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)
   at Conventional.KnownPaths.<>c.<.cctor>b__15_1()
   at Conventional.Extensions.AssemblyExtensions.ResolveProjectFilePath(Assembly assembly)
   at Conventional.Conventions.Assemblies.AssemblyConventionSpecification.IsSatisfiedBy(Assembly assembly)
   at Conventional.Conformist.MustConformTo(Assembly assembly, IAssemblyConventionSpecification assemblyConventionSpecification)
   at EntitlementsService.Tests.Conventions.DatabaseTests.MigrationScripts_MustBeEmbeddedResources() in /Users/somepath/DatabaseTests.cs:line 13

@rubensr indeed it does, apologies for the extremely delayed response. My current use cases for conventional are windows-only, but given it runs on core now, it would be great to get it to work on unix-based OS's. I'd happily accept a PR to introduce this - either that or if and when I get around to needing it on linux, I'll introduce it then 👍

#68 addresses this issue, as of 7.x Conventional is now fully functional on Linux hosts 🎉