
Track releases in Github and add NuGet badge to

Closed this issue · 4 comments

In AppVeyor you can configure the deployment to push to both NuGet and GitHub. It is useful to be able to track what commit for a version and the changes included.

Then add a badge for the NuGet package.

It looks like it has worked. 👍

It seems that adding the deployment to github has added some unwanted behaviour to the build, will re-open this until I sort it out.

Does the GitHub release trigger another master change? So, it went from 4.0.2 with the to 4.0.3 with no code change?

You need to turn off build on tag pushes

Yup just figured out it was the 4.0.2 tag that triggered a 4.0.3 build. I've fixed it, closing this out again.