
At-a-glance CSV rendering

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


At-a-glance CSV rendering


  • Exporting CSV programming always needs tons of for-loop or array operations. It’s cumbersome and hard to maintain.
  • In the CSV exporting code, render(format) logic, data adjustment logic, and business logic all mix together.


Use csv-templator to handle your rendering and adjustment logics. The output will be visible and predictable

const data = {
  users: [
    { name: 'Andrew', age: 30 },
    { name: 'Joanne', age: 28 },
    { name: 'Frank', age: 22 },

const templator = new CSVTemplator(`
  |                           | "name"    | "age"    |
  | % for-row user in users % | user.name | user.age |

const csv = templator.render(data);


npm i csv-templator


  • The whole template is config by a markdown table, we manually write the template or copy from a table in Notion.
  • We can see two types in the table Data Cell and Logic Cell. Data Cell is the cell we you render the CSV output. The Logic Cell always start and end with a %, we depends on logic cell to arrange data.

Here is an example we used in the previous demo:

"name" "age"
% for-row user in users % user.name user.age

And here is the type of each cells:

(Data Cell) (Data Cell)
(Logic Cell) (Data Cell) (Data Cell)

Data Cell

Each cell is treated as a function of an independent force and can read the value of the first level of rendering argument. For example, the cell of user.name actually works like the following function. The following function's return will be the CSV cell output.

function(data) { // The data you gave during the templator.render(...)
   const {
      users,    // the part of original data
      user,     // inject by for-row
   } = data;

   return user.name // the data cell rendering command

   // We can do some fancy operations here
   // reutrn `My name is: ${user.name}`

   // set default value for empty values
   // return user.name || "unknown user name"

   // or some calcualtions
   // return user.age + 30

Logic Cell

  • for-row and for-col
  • visible-row and visible-col

for-row and for-col

Arrange an array, the csv-templator renderer will pass the item of an array into the data cell render function. The same example we used in the first demo:

"name" "age"
% for-row user in users % user.name user.age

It will work like this:

"name" "age"
% for-row user in users % users[0].name users[0].age
users[1].name users[1].age
users[2].name users[2].age

visible-row and visible-col

Define the row or the column are visible based on a boolean:

const data = {
  showAge: false,
  users: [
    { name: 'Andrew', age: 30 },
    { name: 'Joanne', age: 28 },
    { name: 'Frank', age: 22 },

const templator = new CSVTemplator(`
  |                           |           | % visible-col showAge % |
  |                           | "name"    | "age"                   |
  | % for-row user in users % | user.name | user.age                |

const csv = templator.render(data);
// csv:
// "name
// Andrew
// Joanne
// Frank"